Grief Resources

Grief Resources

Do you feel like you are losing your mind due to the loss of a loved one? Do you feel depressed almost every day or every day? Do you find it hard to find pleasure in activities you used to love? Do you continue to cry yourself to sleep every night even though your loved one passed over a year ago? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may be suffering from complicated grief and need some extra

assistance or professional help to move forward in your life.

We at Cremation Society of SC-Westville Funerals want to make sure that family members receive the assistance necessary to continue with their life as soon as they are ready. Sometimes life gets in the way to where some individuals are unable to move forward for whatever reason. We have the Aftercare Program to provide tools for success after losing a loved one, but sometimes this just is not enough to get some people over the hill to healing by finding meaning, so we decided to add a link to the Carolina Center for Behavioral Health for those individuals who feel they are stuck and unable to move forward or need more education on ways to get out of the rut they seem to be stuck in around a year or more after the loss of a loved one.

2700 E Phillips Rd, Greer, SC 29650, USA

Phone Number: 864-235-2335 Fax Number: 864-968-6338

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